Traditional PBX vs VoIP: Cost, Reliability & More

Traditional PBX vs VoIP: Cost, Reliability & More

A phone system is essential for almost every organisation, whether that’s a charity, business or local authority. Broadly speaking, there are two options to provide that essential system – a traditional PBX or the more modern VoIP. In this post, we’ll take a closer...
9 Benefits of Remote Working for Employees & Employers

9 Benefits of Remote Working for Employees & Employers

Remote working has been gradually on the up for several years. But in 2020, that slow rise was turned into an immediate skyrocket. The pandemic’s social distancing measures saw the majority (64%) of UK staff forced to work from home. While it was initially disruptive,...
6 Ways to Reduce Charity Operating Costs

6 Ways to Reduce Charity Operating Costs

Operating costs are one of the biggest challenges for any charity. While you want to concentrate all of your efforts on your leading cause, there are always a few essentials that need to be dealt with – and paid for – first. Yet these overhead costs for services such...
3 Remote Working Essentials for Charities

3 Remote Working Essentials for Charities

Remote working has been slowly rising in prevalence for several years. That was fast-tracked in the 2020 pandemic when up to 60% of the UK workforce was forced to work from home. Since then, remote working has remained essential for many organisations to continue...
Case Study: Citizens Advice Cambridge and District

Case Study: Citizens Advice Cambridge and District

The Background Citizens Advice St Helens Cambridge and District Citizens Advice is a registered charity providing free advice on problems that the public face in their everyday lives. The organisation offers guidance on everything from various issues with things such...
VoIP vs Landline: What are the Pros & Cons?

VoIP vs Landline: What are the Pros & Cons?

Phones are a must-have for any business, charity or other organisation. For the entire 20th century, landlines were the only option. But now, things are changing. Since the advent of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in the 2000s, organisations have a choice between...