Is VPS Worth It? | VS Group

A VPS (virtual private server) is a virtual space dedicated to your business’s website. It provides a private, virtualised server space where you can run software, process data, store files and more, which is owned by a third-party web- or cloud-based platform.

Is a VPS worth using?

Compared to shared hosting, a VPS offers several advantages.

VPS hosting gives you greater control and customisation – you can fully optimise and customise your server settings according to your business or organisation’s needs.

A VPS will also deliver better performance and is more reliable than shared hosting. Because you’ve got more control and customisation, you’re less likely to experience downtime at critical moments, like when you’re experiencing high traffic. This also makes for a better experience for your website’s visitors, supporting all-important customer satisfaction.

A VPS also offers maximum scalability, which is essential if your organisation is experiencing a significant spike in visitor traffic, or if you need additional storage space for applications. Plus, you can always upgrade your VPS plan as needed to accommodate any further growth.

VPS is also more cost-effective than dedicated hosting, which is particularly relevant if you’re wondering whether it’s worth the cost. What’s more, the scalability of a VPS means that you’re only paying for the resources you use, making it a financially viable option for sites outgrowing shared servers.

Find the right VPS package for your organisation or business

If control, performance and scalability are priorities for your company, a VPS is the right decision for you – so it’s totally “worth it”.

Contact VS Group today to discuss the different VPS packages we offer. Email us on or use our online contact form to get in touch.


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