Customer Complaints Procedure

enquiry@commsombudsman.orgWe will always try and do everything we can to ensure that our customers are happy. Unfortunately, problems can arise, which means that sometimes this is not the case. To ensure that in these instances, the issue is resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of the customer, we have put together the following complaints procedure.

To obtain a copy of VS Groups’ Complaints Procedure, please email or contact customer services on 0330 094 0170.


Stage 1

If you wish to complain about our service, don’t hesitate to contact VS Group Customer Services in the first instance. We will make all reasonable endeavours to resolve any complaints raised. Complaints can be raised by telephoning 0330 094 0170 or emailing

Stage 2

Suppose you remain dissatisfied with the resolution offered by customer services. In that case, you can request that the complaint is escalated by writing to Complaints Department, VS Group, 3 Hardman Square, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3EB.

Stage 3

If you feel we have not resolved your complaint satisfactorily, and 8 weeks has elapsed, or you have received a letter from us saying that we have now exhausted our internal complaints procedure, then you may make a complaint to Ombudsman Services: Communications of which VS Group is a member company. Ombudsman Services: Communications is an independent alternative dispute resolution scheme, whose contact details are as follows:

Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730

Telephone: 0330 440 1614